Face authorization of participants
Now, there is no need to save the code, update the code, enter the code, inform participants, etc.
The condition - Several people in one meeting room
The task - Identifying the speakers automatically and displaying information about him
Dynamic speaker detection and signature change
Join the video conference room by looking at the camera
Collection of information on the real participants
- Which of the conference participants was on time, who missed and who was there before the end of the conference.
- Students and teachers' traffic statistics
- Regularity of employees' communication.
- How much are conference rooms filled up, etc.
Automatically detects the speaker and displays information about him with signature change Watermark
The condition - One user - multiple devices
The task - Recognizing a participant the same on all devices and showing the same information about him
The condition - One device - multiple users
The task - Recognizing the user automatically and displaying information about him
The condition - One user - different video conferences
The task - Understanding in which conferences which name should be displayed
(For example, with government customers Peter Parker, Media group. With foreign partners -Peter Parker, CEO and Founder )
Recognizer 1.0 Video Analytics for MCU Vinteo